Wednesday, 19 September 2007

In whom I live and breathe and have my being...

Like the purest and most subtle perfume;
Your presence fills my consciousness.

Ineffable, indescribable;
You are as close as my own soul,
Yet as different and alien as the stars themselves.

In your holy embrace I live and breathe and have my being.
I call out to you and you answer in the echo of my words.

You are Incomprehensible Mystery;
Yet my soul dances with knowledge of you.

You are the one who transcends;
Incarnate in all that is;
Beholden to none.

You cannot be held by our words;
Or by the limits of the human mind.

You are within, beyond, between.
An all embracing reality, without shape or substance.
Haunting presence.
Soul of the Cosmos.


Unknown said...

I am so happy to have discovered your new blog! Please stay with it. There is very little on the web written about panentheism or from a panentheistic perspective. I'm eager to see what you have in store.

Blogitor said...

Thanks for the encouragement :-) And for the plug on your website...


Anonymous said...

The self forgetfulness of faith.
I matter, but I'm not all that matters.
I give myself fully
for the sake of a Vision larger than myself
becoming larger in that moment-
though becoming larger matters not.
Worries and doubts of the future cannot consume me
when I am present in the moment with the self forgetfulness of faith
giving myself fully to a vision larger than myself.

The atmosphere is lifegiving, nurturing
Sometimes within a lush forest
Sometimes within a storm
Giving me a way to see my world
As lifegiving, nurturing.
Giving me a choice-
at every turn-
of seeing opportunity-another open door.

I believe in that which is infinite
Which is yes.
I believe.
Help my unbelief, You creator in which I live and breathe and have my being.
Create in me
And through me.