Tuesday 2 October 2007

God Love

GospelCom.net is heavily promoting the ‘Fathers Love Letter’ – essentially a love letter from God composed of various verses taken from through-out the Bible. (See
http://www.fathersloveletter.com/flltextenglish.html ). While this may be touching in a cheesy sort of way, does it really portray what it means when we say that ‘God is love?’ I would say that it doesn’t and that by focussing on one aspect of love – a father’s love for his child – it actually diminishes rather than builds our view-point.

Whatever we say about ‘God’ is a human conception, based on an incomplete understanding and built using the symbols and expressions that we understand from within our humanity. However, we should never equate our understanding of God with what God is really like. We need to humbly accept our limitations; knowing that what we perceive of God is really only a Plato's Cave shadow image, at best; and completely and utterly wrong at worst.

So when we come to talking about ‘God’s love’ we need to try and move beyond our human experience and expectations of what love is and move to a different level.

I believe that rather than speaking of God’s love; we should speak of God Love. Love is what God is. Period. God doesn't love (an action), God IS Love (a force / a power). I don't believe that we can say that 'God' loves us; but that we are bathed, surrounded, in God Love. God Love is not a gift or something to be earned/ taken away; it is an ever-present reality. It is not something that is directional, in the way that a father directs his love on to a child, it is something that as soon as we become aware of how to open ourselves up to it, it is there ready to experience; ready to change us; ready to be poured out by us.

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